When your a child and you see your Dad sick, Mom is waiting on him hand and foot. When Mom is sick, Dad is sitting on his behind doing next to nothing to help her. I thought it was my Dad being himself. My Mother warned me that all men were babies when they were sick. I thought my husband would be different. I thought the whole thing was a myth. Nope.
My husband is sick..again. It seems that the lovely sinus infection that he got over Christmas, has yet to go away. I know Christmas...it's March. He wouldn't go to the doctor. It was the "I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me, it's just a virus that will go away in a few days.", kinda thing that I kept hearing for weeks, that somehow turned into a few months.
I loved hearing the cough, cough, hack, hack, wait there's my lung...go on for weeks. All the while...'I'm fine'. 'I'm not (sniffle) sick.'
I can't tell you how many times that I disinfected the house with his germs, and how many times, I've kept catching his "I'm not sick" virus. Finally, he saw his doctor and Eureka, it's a sinus infection.
My husband's doctor finally convinces him that is sick and gives him antibiotics. On his way home, he decided to fill his prescription at the local grocery store with pharmacy inside. But wait, the line is too long, so he comes home with $30 worth of junk food instead. I didn't realize that those could cure a sinus infection. Had I known that I would have bought them a long time ago.
The next day I take his perscription to be filled...The pharmacist, gets me everything that the doctor wanted along with his antibiotic. $75 later, I'm walking out of the store. I drive home and give him his stuff, and he argues with me about a sinus rinse that I bought. He didn't want to do it, because all the stuff would be coming out his nose. Isn't that the point of a sinus rise, to get all the crap out of the sinus' that keeps making you sick? Do you not want to get better? I'm so confused.
I think I'm getting sick....
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