Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bring on the tweezers

I thought I was going crazy this week. I mean I have been slightly depressed. I still don't have a job, and my routine is pretty mundane, so I thought I was going crazy. Then I realized I wasn't.

There is a war going on, daily against me. Unfortunately it won't be won, not ever and especially with me being the victor. This is a personal one. One that started when I was a teen and grew progressively worse through the years. The war I wage,'s my hair.

When I said that I was going crazy early this week, I wasn't kidding. Every time I put my hair in a ponytail, I kept reaching for the tweezers. You see I have this one lone gray hair that comes out every once in a while, that just needs to be plucked. After I plucked what I thought was the same hair 3 times this week, I was upset to discover that it wasn't the same hair. Which I was sort of glad about, because it meant that I wasn't losing my mind. No, it was a small patch of gray hairs. A patch! A patch???? I'm too young for there to be a band of merry gray hairs hiding like thieves in there. I must have temporarily eradicated at least 8 of them.

I grew concerned, so I went investing to see how many other thieves of youth were hanging out. To my horror and dismay, I found many, many more. Now, since I get my hair highlighted, I thought it would help cover these rogues into hiding a little more smoothly. Nope. My tweezers had quite the workout yesterday plucking them out, and some were pretty darn long. It won't be too long before I have to start coloring my entire head.

In the mean time, I think it would be best for me to buy another pair of tweezers. My purse needs a pair, just in case those evil little villains decide to make another appearance and this time in a more public place.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Morning Routine

Six months ago, I suddenly found myself without a job. I will say that I did nothing that was unethical, illegal or against company policy. I also won the right to gain Unemployment benefits, just because the circumstances of my not having a job any longer were quite unusual.

I developed a morning routine and I have to say that I love it and will miss it when I have to go back to work. Every morning I would wake up next to my husband, which was nice. I'd make him tea while he got ready or was on a phone conference. I absolutely love going into the bathroom to smell the mix of shaving cream ,tooth paste and cologne still lingering in the air. Feeling the soft shave as I kissed him goodbye. When the garage door closed, I'd sit in the chair watching his car drive by. It was the last glimpse that I would have of him before he came home. That last string that held us together.

Every day, I do the same thing, unless, I have errands to run or he decides to work from home. Each time, I this the last time? Will I have to go back to work tomorrow? It's a silly morning ritual. But it's mine. And I will miss it when it ends.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Sleep wars

Fairy tales. All children are read them while growing up and base some of their future expectations on what they read. Watching t.v. and all the happy couples while growing up, leaves a person to believe that certain expectations will also happen for you. Wrong, wrong, wrong. We are sold on an idea and told its the truth, till the truth smacks us in the face and we are left sitting there wondering what the hell just happened. Because that's not the way tv and fairy tales tell us it will happen.

Take for instance sleeping. On tv all these happy couples are entwined with each other all night long. They hug, embrace, spoon and hold hands. I honestly thought people slept that way, because that was what was portrayed all the time. It wasn't until I actually shared a bed with my husband, that I learned that was not the case. We both have different sleep patterns and expectations when it comes to sleep. Sleeping next to him all night long is like a fairy's Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It's too hot. It's too cold. And hardly ever just right.

It's hard to sleep next to a person. I don't care who that person is. Those experts say that it takes a long time to develop a routine when sleeping next to your spouse. They weren't kidding. I thought we finally got it right until the other day.

We like visiting our in-laws, but have decided we don't like sharing a bed at their house. We have a queen, they have a double bed. Downsizing is not a good thing. My husbands alarm went off the other morning and he reached over to shut it off. When returning to his comfortable position, he manages to slam his elbow right into my eye socket, at the exact moment I was getting up. He managed to slam it so hard that I thought I would end up with a broken orbital bone. I'm sobbing in bed, and it really was an accident. I have to go downstairs and put ice on it for a few hours to get the swelling down. It was red and puffy all day long. A few days later, I have a beautiful black eye. And no the under eye cream didn't help take the "black" away, but maybe a steak would have helped.

I was teasing him all week, that sleeping next to him is hazardous to my health. Those damn tv shows, don't tell you that your husband may end up giving you a black-eye while reaching for his alarm. Do they tell you that you'll hit each other in the head while switching positions??? Or scratch each other with toenails and fingernails, and in the morning you wonder why you have a weird scratch or bruise that wasn't there earlier? Or that the sheets will get drenched in sweat if you sleep with flannel sheets, a down comforter, and your husband????? No. Is it possible to lay your head on his shoulder all night long, or rest your leg comfortably over his??? Sure, if you're o.k. with him getting a limb amputated off the next morning from loss of circulation. We get this nice romantic view of what it should be like. We are sold a lie.

And yet, people today are left wondering why some couples have separate rooms and separate beds. Probably, because it's never "just right" and they also go tired of having limbs go limp, getting kicked, bruised and scratched for years. Sometimes it's a war, over blankets and the room temperature. The battle lines can be crossed and you harmed, all while both of you are asleep. I just hope that we will finally get a routine, where no one else ends up with another black-eye.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


When your a child and you see your Dad sick, Mom is waiting on him hand and foot. When Mom is sick, Dad is sitting on his behind doing next to nothing to help her. I thought it was my Dad being himself. My Mother warned me that all men were babies when they were sick. I thought my husband would be different. I thought the whole thing was a myth. Nope.

My husband is sick..again. It seems that the lovely sinus infection that he got over Christmas, has yet to go away. I know's March. He wouldn't go to the doctor. It was the "I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me, it's just a virus that will go away in a few days.", kinda thing that I kept hearing for weeks, that somehow turned into a few months.

I loved hearing the cough, cough, hack, hack, wait there's my lung...go on for weeks. All the while...'I'm fine'. 'I'm not (sniffle) sick.'

I can't tell you how many times that I disinfected the house with his germs, and how many times, I've kept catching his "I'm not sick" virus. Finally, he saw his doctor and Eureka, it's a sinus infection.

My husband's doctor finally convinces him that is sick and gives him antibiotics. On his way home, he decided to fill his prescription at the local grocery store with pharmacy inside. But wait, the line is too long, so he comes home with $30 worth of junk food instead. I didn't realize that those could cure a sinus infection. Had I known that I would have bought them a long time ago.

The next day I take his perscription to be filled...The pharmacist, gets me everything that the doctor wanted along with his antibiotic. $75 later, I'm walking out of the store. I drive home and give him his stuff, and he argues with me about a sinus rinse that I bought. He didn't want to do it, because all the stuff would be coming out his nose. Isn't that the point of a sinus rise, to get all the crap out of the sinus' that keeps making you sick? Do you not want to get better? I'm so confused.

I think I'm getting sick....